Quiz Result: You May Have High Androgens (Testosterone)

Your periods can be very heavy with painful cramping, you often get acne around your period, and your body is having more facial or body hair growth than you want.
- Work on balancing your blood sugar. High glucose levels and high insulin levels often play a part in elevated androgens. Increased insulin affects an enzyme that creates stronger androgens. By decreasing carbohydrate and sugar intake, insulin levels decrease and hopefully reduce enzyme activity as well.
- Eat anti-inflammatory supplements. Subclinical inflammation is usually an issue in cases of high androgens. Eating foods that lower inflammation helps reduce symptoms of PCOS.
- Take supplements like zinc and saw palmetto that help reduce DHT levels and balance blood sugar.
- Look into the most effective testing methods so that you can have more exact answers!
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Live Your Life Integrated Health and Chiropractic - Erie
671 Mitchell Way #200
Erie, CO 80516